
Fire In Nigeria

I have been contacted by Pastor Clement Ezomo of Nigeria. Here are his words:

"Out here we have been working in the semi urban and rural areas of our Nation Nigeria and also in the neighbouring Nations of Benin,Togo,Ghana and Cameroun through crusades and teaching confrences for Pastors and other Leaders

I wish to invite you to prayerfully consider comming to partner with us to minister in a 2 gospel healing and miracle crusade we are planning to hold here in Nigeria and Ghana over a two week period in the first quater of 2007.We have been doing this kind of work for quite a while now and the harvest has been indeed great as We have seen thousands of souls surrender thier lives to the Lord in each of these meetings and this time we are expecting up to 20,000 persons in attendance over the period of the crusades and we are believing God for a mighty harvest of souls in both locations.

Very importantly We also intend to have a training\ seminar for local pastors and church leaders to futher equip them for effective ministry within the same period with expected attendance in excess of 400.We have by the grace of God adopted a strategy that enables us to draw Pastors and leaders from 5 local goverment areas(what you call 5 counties) and a few from across sevaral States together for the teaching confrence in each of the area we propose to have the events.I will send you more information as soon as we hear from you."

I have talked with Pastor Clement and will be out there later as my trip to the Philippines is scheduled for early 2007. This trip will cost in excess of $20,000.
Below is Pastor Clement and Mercy his wife.

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Pastor Evan Wiggs






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